Land Art på Gunnebo Slott och i Mölndal
Gunnebo slotts arkitekt tog stor inspiration från kontinenten då han ritade byggnader och trädgårdar på 1780-talet. Nu bjuder Gunnebo och Mölndals stad in gäster från hela världen, för att återigen inspireras och hylla trädgård och trädgårdsskötsel. Från juli till september presenterar vi en trädgårdsutställning på temat Internationell inspiration, med inslag av flera svenska och utländska gästdesigners.
Inom Gothenburg Green World 2016 skapas gröna upplevelser på Gunnebo slott, i Forsåkers industriområde samt i Mölndals stadspark. Promenera gärna mellan konstverken, ca 5 km. Karta finns att ladda ner på
Förutom möjlighet att äta och fika i Gunnebos fina Kaffehus öppnar vi för i år upp Slottskaféet med möjligheten att sitta på Slottsterassen och njuta av mat och trädgård.
Gunnebo och Mölndal gästas i sommar och i samband med Gothenburg Green World av fyra Land Art konstnärer. På Gunnebo slott och trädgårdar kan man som besökare se var sitt verk av Rainer Gross och Will Beckers (Läs mer om detta längre ner på sidan).
Rainer Gross är ursprungligen Berlinare , men numera bosatt i Bryssel. På Gunnebo har han byggt en stor tredelad installation. Verket ”Flow”, tillverkat av svartmålade långa plank böljer genom kulturlandskapet på ena sidan av slottet och slutar genom att slingra sig upp i en gigantisk ek.

Flow By Rainer Gross
På den andra sidan av slottet kommer man att kunna ta del av Will Beckers installation. Will är känd för att bygga stora ”reden”, och så även på Gunnebo. Han kommer att bygga ett långt ihåligt rede som slingrar sig ner på ”Floras Kulle”. Redet är byggt av långa slanor av blandat naturmaterial, ihopsamlat på Gunnebo. Verket heter ”For Nature, everything is a memory”.

For Nature, everything is a memory by Will Beckers
Stuart Frost, engelsman, numera bosatt i Norge, kommer att visa upp sitt verk i Mölndals Stadspark. Stuart jobbar med att forma om trästockar och sedan tatuera/borrar in ett repetitivt mönster. I sitt verk i Mölndal har han borrat mängder med hål i en totalt omformad en gigantisk gammal poppel. Tanken är att man som åskådare ska få en känsla av sten i stället för trä.
I Forsåker har Roberto Conte från Italien byggt sitt bågformade verk ”Janus”. Verket står som en port mellan det gamla industriella och det nya Mölndal, som byggs i området.

Janus by Roberto Conte
Ambitionen att lyfta Land Art under Gothenburg Green World kommer att synas på flera ställen i Göteborg och Mölndal. Möjligheten att gå från verk till verk kommer att bli verklighet, när man kan promenera delar av, eller hela sträckan från Millenium platsen till Botaniska, därifrån vidare till Mölndals Stadspark och sen fortsätta genom Forsåker och avslutningsvis landa uppe på Gunnebo Slott och Trädgårdar.
“FLOW” BY RAINER GROSS (Germany, 1953)
Rainer Gross, who was born in Berlin and now lives in Belgium, began his artwork as a sculptor in stone, before devoting himself to wood from the middle of the 1990s. Since 2005, when he stopped a parallel career as an independent technical journalist, he has been concentrating increasingly on site-specific sculptural installations made of long and thin slats of blackened wood. By assembling hundreds or thousands of them with screws he creates very large and far-reaching constructions which are always in close dialogue with their surrounding (in nature or architecture).
Rainer Gross produces installations with (mostly) fluid shapes, which are sometimes graphic and sometimes organic. Recurrent themes are the relentless passage of time, a reference to cyclicality and to reality as being ”fluid”, a harmonious balance of opposites and a contemplation of the position of man within nature.
My installation will provide a surprising sensation or experience. It also addresses the historical theme with lavish structures in a park environment and is a kind of modern ”folly”.
The artist Rainer Gross, Bruxelles, 2016.
In the 18th century Gunnebo’s buildings, gardens and landscapes were supposed to be seen as a whole. Visitors were able to take themselves from the orderly to the wild during a single walk. The landscape park at Gunnebo consisted of winding paths, beautiful views, exciting plant material and here and there a surprising building, such as the hermitage or the orangery. Today we see only remnants of these buildings and garden elements, and the trees have grown into large solitary specimens.
In his project at Gunnebo, Rainer Gross works from a historical perspective with regard to the site-specific situation of the rolling landscape and trees. This has created a sculpture that will provide a three-dimensional experience and act as a counterweight to the surrounding nature. The sculpture should be seen as a reference to the precarious balances in nature, life and mortality affected by human intervention. The installation is about the passage of time, and about our perception of space and size. The sculpture consists of three winding sections interacting with trees of different sizes and ages. The structure is made of thin, black-painted, wooden slats.
For Nature everything is a memory BY WILL BECKERS (Belgium, 1947)
Will Beckers is an environmental artist whose passion is to follow the evolutionary process of plants and natural forms. His artistic work underwent its own evolution from sculptures with clay and bronze to develop into Land Art, specifically Environmental Art. The process of awareness originated to investigate biodiversity and biomimicry in nature.
Beckers specializes in creating site specific natural installations that explore our relationship with the natural world. Much of his site-specific installations and art are to be found in public spaces. His natural installation work invites the public to interact and experience the artwork, involving the visitor and thus inspiring a reaction. Beckers’ environmental artwork often takes the form of a bio- sculpture, or a growing organism that stimulate us to challenge the relationship between individuals and our environment, he is confronting Nature with her own materials.
“For Nature everything is a memory” by Will Beckers
The character of the landscape invites the visitor to take a moment to reflect. There are opportunities to have a picnic, to simply relax or to learn something about the course of nature.
Artist Will Beckers, Lommel 2015.
Flora’s Hill is part of the landscape park at Gunnebo, a beautiful lookout point with a stone bench where you can sit and enjoy the view of Apollo’s Hill to the south west, the Orangery Mountain to the south and the watercourse to the north. Will Beckers has created an organic art installation that undulates over the grass slopes just like the meandering walking path up to the top of the hill. The movement starts on the ground, winds around the old oak’s trunk and rears into the sky. Heaven and earth meet. In this way, the installation is a tribute to the centuries-old trees, which stand as living connecting links to history.
The installation encourages visitors to get close and have a dialogue with the artwork and the surrounding nature. It has been built and shaped by hand by the artist himself. An interaction with the students and pupils from Gothenburg and Mölndal, took place at the opening of the Artwork. The installation consists of braided willow, hazel and goat willow branches.