Take an overlooked site and a forgotten corner of a park, then give free rein to two talented garden designers and around 30 amateur gardeners. What do you get? Growing Spaces of course! That’s exactly what we have done in Lerum.
2017 takes Gunnel Carlson and Gerben Tjeerdsma their green fingers and dedication to Lerum and transforms two places to stunning oases in the central city area of Lerum.
The Growing Spaces are created every year by residents with guidance from garden designers.
2015 did Hannu Sarenström and his team a remake of an overgrown area to a 1800-century oasis with locally produced honey and Simon Irvine built a vegetable garden with a giant climbing net for pumpkins, cucumbers and squash.
In 2016 Karin Berglund created a monastery inspired Mary-garden with flowers and the fragrance out of the ordinary and André Strömqvist’s homage made to former times market gardens that gave life to an abandoned lawn and tall trees right in the center.
The Growing Spaces are created by residents with guidance from garden designers. This is a partnership that puts residents in close touch with their immediate surrounding, encourages new contacts with each other, and gives them new skills that they can pass on. The event is a way to highlight, inspire and involve residents, visitors and entrepreneurs in the task of creating a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable society. We want to stimulate change through experiences, knowledge and inspiration.
The new Growing Spaces will be created in spring with the help of the green-fingered contributors. The two new green meeting spaces will open officially in the beginning of June, with a number of activities for both children and adults. The Growing Spaces are located close to a path that runs along the river Säveån, which flows through the centre of Lerum and into lake Aspen. This beautiful leafy walk is around 3.6 kilometres long.
Lerum municipality has set itself the vision of becoming Sweden’s leading environmental municipality by 2025. To really become a more sustainable society we need to involve everyone, including residents, colleagues and entrepreneurs, so that each can contribute in their own way to making this vision a reality. Growing Spaces is one way to reach this goal.
Lerum is just under 20 minutes by road from the centre of Gothenburg. The journey takes 15 minutes by commuter train from Gothenburg. Download our app and feel welcome to till Växtrum i Lerum! More information is available at vä